ChatZilla Plugins

In case ChatZilla isn't perfect already... ;)



To install a plugin, save it to <initialScripts>/<pluginName>/, where <initialScripts> is the path given by the ChatZilla command /pref initialScripts, and <pluginName> is the name of the plugin. If it's a .js file, rename it to init.js. See the home page for links to sites hosting more plugins.


Adds a /tinyurl command to manually create TinyURLs, and automatically replaces URLs longer than 80 characters in outgoing messages.

Download version 0.3


No explicit activation required.

Sample Output

<tH> Lots of bugs were fixed in ChatZilla 0.9.69, see <>.


"googleapi" searches google and shows the top result for your query.

Download version 0.1


Get a Google API key and use the command /plugin-pref googleapi googleapikey <yourkey>.


Use the command /google <googlequery>.

Sample Output

<tH> Top Google result for 'blame the pixel': <>.


A plugin to share the track you're currently listening to in iRATE Radio.

Download version 0.1


In iRATE, go to "Settings → Advanced", and enable "external control of iRATE".


Type /irate in ChatZilla's input box and press enter. To show all information, type /irate 1 instead.

Sample Output

*tH is listening to: Vainglory / The Lost and Found. Rating: 10/10.

*tH is listening to: Vainglory / The Lost and Found. Rating: 10/10. Last played 04/01/05 18:56, played 30 times in total. Download URL:, more music at

Attach Dialog

Adds an "Attach to server" dialog to the ChatZilla menu.

Download version 0.2


Choose Attach to server... from the ChatZilla menu. Enter a server hostname, port, and zero or more channels to join (separated by spaces or commas).


A plugin to show others your age. Uses old API - not a good coding example.

Download version 0.1


Open the plugin's .js file, and edit the const lines near the top (rbirthyear, rbirthmonth, rbirthdate, rbirthhour, rbirthmin) to show your birthday (four-digit year, month 1-12, day 1-31, hours 0-23, minutes 0-59 respectively). Save, and restart ChatZilla.


Type /age in ChatZilla's input box and press enter.

Sample Output

*tH is 17 years old. It's 20 weeks, 1 days, 10 hours, and 23 minutes since my last birthday, and 31 weeks, 6 days, 13 hours, and 37 minutes until my next birthday.


A simple plugin to reverse text.

Download version 0.1


Use the command /reversesay <text>. The command can usually be shortened to /rev.

Sample Output

<tH> .dnammoc yasesrever eht gnitset ma I

Obsolete plugins

talkbacklink, clutter, and IdentD are built in to ChatZilla 0.9.71 and later.

Download: talkbacklink, clutter, IdentD

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